33 Trending Pics and Memes for Exquisite Minds
Steep yourself in some sophistication with some cool oil paintings, informative memes, and fascinating graphic designs.
Published 5 months ago in Funny
Your online experience doesn’t have to be exclusively made up of dumbed-down content. If you didn’t pay attention in school, or if the education system simply failed you, it’s not too late to catch up. The internet provides everything you need to illuminate your mind, and finally experience culture.
Steep yourself in some sophistication with some cool oil paintings, informative memes, and fascinating graphic designs. But also, yeah, we included some dumb stuff too. Even the best schools had a day when the teacher was hungover and rolled in a big TV to zone out in front of.
Here are some memes, pics, and animals that took over the internet this week, and hopefully take over your under-stimulated mind.